Memories of Past PBR’s

So I’m sitting on the front porch drinking a Sam Adams Summer Ale from a bottle in a PBR Koozie. It reminded me of my last trip to the Talladega Motor Speedway. I had arrived early with my camper and was in the staging area. I had several coolers in the back of the truck, one filled with Pabst blue ribbon and tallboy cans. Those were beers I’d offer anyone that randomly walked by and was looking for a beer. Oh, and yes, that happens a lot in the staging area.

So this one guy walked by, asked for a beer of course, and I gave him a PBR, his favorite beer as he said. He was happy and told me the story about how he’d just been tossed out of the race track because he got in the track by climbing the fence. He said it was the second time so far today , but he was headed back to try it again. Apparently he does it every year until they just get tired of catching him.







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